Netpas provides the world's largest Distance Table with more than 12,000 ports and 60 millions distance data.
Netpas is one and only to provide Coordinates to Coordinates distance in the world. You can get distance from Coordinates to Coordinates / Coordinates to Port using unlimited database we provide.
You can choose Alternative Routes you want using hundreds of Routing Points we provide.
By given various Anti Piracy Options provided, you can choose a route to avoid piracy zone.
You can check out the current weather and typhoon information including wind, pressure, and wave condition.
Moreover, you can find the weather forecast for your future voyage.
Netpas shows Sea Ice, Ice Line, and IWL for your safe voyage.
SECA/ECA distance is shown separately on the voyage for your convenience.
Netpas is one and only to provide Bypass SECA distance in the world You can also check out for Bypass SECA distance.
Simple and easy to estimate your voyage.
It would give you helpful information on total duration, bunker consumptions, SECA distance and many others.
You can share with your vessel information with your colleagues to manage fleets.
Netpas provides the world's largest Distance Table with more than 12,000 ports and 60 millions distance data.
Netpas is one and only to provide Coordinates to Coordinates distance in the world. You can get distance from Coordinates to Coordinates / Coordinates to Port using unlimited database we provide.
You can choose Alternative Routes you want using hundreds of Routing Points we provide.
By given various Anti Piracy Options provided, you can choose a route to avoid piracy zone.
You can check out the current weather and typhoon information including wind, pressure, and wave condition.
Moreover, you can find the weather forecast for your future voyage.
Netpas shows Sea Ice, Ice Line, and IWL for your safe voyage.
SECA/ECA distance is shown separately on the voyage for your convenience.
Netpas is one and only to provide Bypass SECA distance in the world You can also check out for Bypass SECA distance.
Simple and easy to estimate your voyage.
It would give you helpful information on total duration, bunker consumptions, SECA distance and many others.
You can share with your vessel information with your colleagues to manage fleets.